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How do we explain to our children that we have a very big plastic-wrapped problem? It’s not a nice story, but we’re going to tell it anyway.
Now available in Dutch, translation coming soon.
In 2018, the Plastic Soup Foundation launched Plastic Soup Education Pack for elementary schools, grades 2 to 6 (age 7-12 years) in the Netherlands.
This education pack was made possible with the financial support from Aldi, The Netherlands. With this education pack, teachers take their pupils into a World Under the Sea. Together, they discover everything there is to know about the plastic soup. In a playful way, they are taught about the dangers of plastics for marine life. Young kids are made aware of their plastic use and are empowered to work on the reduction of their own plastic footprint. By reaching the next generation, we can make a difference!
Within the first schoolyear, almost 2,000 education packs have been ordered by schools in the Netherlands (and 10% in Belgium).
The education pack is receiving extensive positive feedback and we have plans to translate and adapt it to other countries once the funds become available.
For the Dutch speaking children (up to 12 years) the Plastic Soup Foundation created a digital environment where children can learn all there is to know about plastic soup. This includes news items about endangered animals, video’s about children’s actions against plastic pollution and possible solutions to reduce plastic use. The Dutch Website Wereld van Oz also includes an animation that addresses plastic pollution, of which you can see the trailer here.
Illustrations: Monique van den Hout
For elementary school children (age 6-12 years) we also offer guest lessons about the sources and consequences of plastic soup and possible solutions to reduce plastic use. The lessons are currently offered in the Netherlands only.
For video’s about the plastic soup check out our playlist on YouTube.