Plastic is everywhere
Plastic pollution is not just plastic floating in the oceans, it is also in the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Plastic is everywhere.
You can’t have missed the word ‘plastic soup’; you come across it in the news almost every day. It’s about litter, animal suffering and your own health. Here you can read what we mean by the problem of the plastic soup:
Plastic pollution is not just plastic floating in the oceans, it is also in the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Plastic is everywhere.
What causes plastic pollution in the environment and the oceans? Learn more about how single-use plastics and everyday items can get carried into the sea.
More plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050, dying coral reefs and increase of plastic production: this is why we need to stop plastic pollution. Read more
Single-use plastics are the main cause of plastic pollution wolrdwide. The problem comes mainly from single-use plastic bottles, but not only.
Plastic polluters, companies, governments, indifferent people: who is responsible for the plastic pollution problem, and who can help solve it?
Gyres in the oceans contain a high concentration of plastic but are different from plastic floating islands. Learn more about gyres and oceans hotspots.